
Always Free and Confidential

At Coweta Pregnancy Services, we believe every woman should have access to the information she needs regarding her health and possible pregnancy. Therefore, we offer all of our services free of charge.

Here are the services we make available to every woman who comes through our doors:

Pregnancy Testing

One of our cornerstone services is free and confidential pregnancy testing. We want to be there when a woman finds out she is unexpectedly pregnant. Being there, at that moment, gives us the opportunity to calm her fears and answer some very important questions.


A pregnancy test is only the beginning. If a client receives a positive pregnancy test at Coweta Pregnancy Services, her next step is to have a free and confidential ultrasound. By offering a free ultrasound, we are able to provide her with a view of her developing baby and let her hear a heartbeat.

Support Services

We offer so much more than pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. At Coweta Pregnancy Services, women and families can receive other services such as free options counseling and support, pregnancy counseling, educational opportunities, and grief recovery.

Earn While You Learn

Offering education and support to women who choose life for their babies is the heart of Coweta Pregnancy Services. We guide her through pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting classes to help her be the most successful parent possible. Also by attending, she earns the essentials such as diapers, wipes, baby clothes and other items she needs to take care of her baby.